Monkey Majik - All My Life

All my life (PREMIUM BOX VERSION) – Monkey Majik

MP3 search on MP3hunting

Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

Senin, 21 Desember 2009

My iTouch, you?

Comet - The world’s most intelligent fish

The world’s most intelligent fish – he can play football, basketball and even limbo dance under a bar.

Comet the goldfish has been trained by his owner to perform the astonishing range of aquatic activities on demand.

And that’s not all – watery genius can also play fetch with a hoop, slalom around a series of poles and push a rugby ball over a set of posts.

Owner Dr Dean Pomerleau, 41, used a training technique called positive reinforcement to train two year old common goldfish Comet to carry out the tricks.

But there’s nothing fishy about his claim – in fact, he says anyone can do the same with their own pet.

Fish training expert Dr Pomerleau said: “There is mounting evidence that fish are more intelligent than people give them credit for.

“With the correct tools and the basic promise of a food reward, fish can very quickly learn complex tricks – like the limbo, slalom or playing fetch.

Dr Pomerleau already holds the official world record for having the fish with the largest repertoire of tricks, with a three year-old calico fantail named Albert Einstein.

But four inch long Comet has already learnt Albert’s array of tricks and is set to take the crown of the world’s most intelligent goldfish.

Water Car !! new discoveries!!

Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009


Telepon Ajaib Untuk Keluarga Cendana

Tutut : "Nem gua kesepian banget nih semenjak bokap meninggal."

Inem : "Sabar ya tut, oh iya gua denger di amerika dah di temuin telpon canggih buat nelpon ke Akhirat, tapi pulsanya mahal banget tut."

Tutut : "Ah yang bener lu nem ayo deh anterin gua beli tuh telpon, tidak apa-apa deh mahal, gua kan kaya, yang penting gua bisa ngobatin kangen sama bokap."

Akhirnya si tutut beli tuh telpon, trus dibawa ke rumahnya. Sampe dirumahnya di tes ternyata bener dia bisa ngomong sama bokapnya, trus akhirnya semua keluarganya pada ikut ngomong.
Waktu selesai semuanya ngomong akhirnya si tutut jadi kepikiran sama tagihan telponnya, soalnya total pembicaraan semuanya lebih dari 6 jam.
Akhirnya dia nelpon Operator buat nanya tagihannya, Ternyata kata operator tagihan cuman Rp. 53,000. tutut kaget kok murah banget akhirnya dia nelpon operator lagi buat mastiin kalo tarifnya emang murah. Kalo bener murah dia pengen nelpon lagi
Tutut : "Ooi mister bener tuh tagihannya cuman 53 ribu, murah banget, coba cek lagi deh."

Operator :" Oke deh saya cek, tutup aja bu nanti saya hubungin"
Setelah 5 menit akhirnya si Operator nelpon tutut

Operator : "Halo bu, ternyata bener ngga ada yang salah, tarifnya emang segitu, waktu saya cek ternyata Cendana sama neraka pulsanya lokal.

Official trailer IRON MAN 2 !!!

Reporter di tempat pembakaran ganja

That's the effect, "Say no to drugs!"

Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

Jebakan Batman.. hahha


Siapa yang menang yaa??

Mirip tapi tak sama

This artist is not twins but have similarities that can be practically very similar, the two women are nearly identical to the same beauty charm, please choose the one that you want? hehee ^ _ ^

Unique pic please comment! hahaa

Obama nya senyum gitu saking kocaknya!! hahaa

Nobita vs Doraemon

Sometimes friends could be a place to share the parts of your live
But sometimes, they could also eat your from back...

Just like this!

New old song video

The Dears - Death of all the romance

It's all just pencil and anime!! the 2nd

It's all just pencil and anime!!

Sulap unik

Rabu, 16 Desember 2009


Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....Liburan dan Tugas.....